Brahma Sthana in Vastu Shastra

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Brahma Sthana in Vastu Shastra

In Vastu Shastra, the Brahm Sthana is the middle square (pada) of the plot/land or building. Brahm Sthana is the place of Lord creator Brahma. It is the spiritual center of the Land, Plot, or building. In other words, Brahm Sthana is the eternal, holiest, and powerful zone of the plot or house. Brahm Sthana-Centre of the plot is the nabhi (navel) portion of Vastu Purush. Brahm Sthana signifies the space over the ground level. Paramshayika pada Vaastu (81 pada Vastu) designates the middle nine pada as the Brahm Sthana. For example, as shown in the figure, divide the plot into nine similar parts from the East to West and the North to South.
Now the plot has 81 equal parts. The nine squares at the center of the plot or land are the place of Brahm Sthana. You must retain the Brahamsthana (central space) and Paishacha Sthana open to the most considerable feasible extent. To put it a different way, do not place any loads or structural portions, i.e., pillars, columns, beams, walls
Brahm Sthana: Balance the Space Element- Brahm Sthana and Paishacha Sthana balance the space element in any plot, land, or building. It assists in maintaining proper natural light (Which gives us the power to the body for fighting diseases). Therefore it should fall sufficiently on the building and enter the rooms through the doors and windows.
The openings within Brahma Sthana and Paishacha Sthana in a structure provide a freeway of sunlight. Daylight purifies and allows the residence leading to good health and improves honor of its occupants. But Unnatural fluorescent light creates health problems like anxieties, tensions, tiredness, headache, and eye problem, etc.
Brahm Sthana-provide constant inflow of Fresh Air.
Brahm Sthana and Paisha Sthana also present provision to the consistent inflow of fresh air for existing as well as the outflow of foul breath. The lack of fresh air in a building creates headaches, sadness, depression, sleepiness, laziness, loss of appetite, and failure to concentrate. The Brahm thana and Paishacha Sthana meet the requirement of fresh air by cross-ventilation, providing fresh air from outside and removing the foul air inside.
Brahma Sthana-The Most Active Place
Brahma Sthana is the most important place for the flow of energy. This open area allows the pranic healing energies to travel about freely. Brahma Sthana spot rests in the center of the building, as well as in the middle of all of the rooms. Thick walls or heavy furniture in Brahma Sthana prevent positive energy. A house or an individual room, with blocked pranic energy, are more responsive to get affected by bad fate. Even in the bedroom, the bed is never recommended in the center of the room, as all of this positive active energy may pose a hazard to a comfortable sound sleep. Conclusively, you must keep Brahm Sthana in the proper position to get peace, harmony, and physically, psychologically, mentality, and spiritually enlighten your body.