Vastu for Selection of Plot

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Vastu for Selection of Plot

BASIC VASTU TIPS FOR PLOTS: The selection of a plot is significant since the plot may serve positive as well as negative energies depending on its place, location, orientation, slope, shape, and quality of the soil. These five significant features must be kept in mind while the selection of a plot. For any structure, the land is the essential requirement, and complete attention must be taken in its selection. Usually, the services of an Architect or Vastu Consultant are taken at the designing stage. Still, it is advisable to involve him at the stage of purchasing the land itself, as his inputs could be precious in deciding the right land. If you previously own land for the development of home or office, you still must follow the Vastu Guidelines guided for the selection of the plot. In the selection of a Land or Plot, the following Vastu Principles must follow.

  • Vaastu Shastra Principles For Plot Selection
  • Vaastu Shastra Principles For Plot DIirection 
  • Vaastu Shastra Principles For Plot Shape
  • Vaastu Shastra Principles For Plot Soil
  • Vaastu Shastra Principles For Plot Slope

Vaastu Shastra Principles For Selection of plot

At the time of the selection of a plot, it is advisable to follow Vastu Shastra Principles.  As Vastu is a science, there is the reasoning behind every guideline. Ask Acharya's team of Vastu Expert under the guidance of Vastu Consultant Sunil Mehtani to explain the following guidelines.


Quiet, Peaceful, calm place with a lot of greenery around, excellent water resource, and good soil, for apparent reasons.
At the time of purchasing a land, stand on the land, and observe its vibration for some seconds. If you consider positive regarding it, then think about buying the property. If you are not feeling positive, it is probably not right for you.
Review Plot history: It is beneficial to buy a property where happy and prosperous people have lived. The logic after the theory is psychological. A property where people were comfortable happy and prosperous; has good energy.
Inspect for the road alongside the land: Land with pathways on all four sides is deemed the most suitable. It assures well-being, health, fortune, wealth, success, prosperity, peace, comfort, and happiness. Because a Land with paths on all four sides is not joining any other's property and therefore one can obtain the best light and ventilation from all four sides. The next most suitable choice is land with paths on the North or East side because more light and air can access from these sides.

Which Plots are Inauspicious?

It is suggested to evade an obsessed or dilapidated home. The land should not be bought, if anyone has done suicide on it or if there have been several deaths over some time. Evade purchasing land that has been sold under pressure.
You have to avoid land near a public area or buildings. The land or plot should not be near or adjacent to public places like temples, hospitals, factories, schools, colleges, etc. Such sites will continuously be crowded and noisy. But if they are at least 90-100 ft away, then the land is fair.
It is recommended not to buy land near foul smelly areas. As we cannot live in surroundings with a foul smell. The bad-smelling arising from these sites will create an atmosphere in the home that is not proper to live in. So, the plot should not be near a meat shop,  leather tannery, shoe shop, workshop, laundry, dustbins, sewage drains, etc. 
Avoid the land is between big plots.
It is recommended to avoid lands with a lot of holes, cracks, or too much-wet soil. The holes and cracks indicate dried up clayey soil. And over wet earth also means that it does not support the drainage of water. Such soil also is not proper for a home foundation as it will hold dampness and require extra expense for water-proofing the foundation. 
Avoid Land or Plots facing a T or Y intersection of roads. This is because you can see approaching traffic, and it may provide you an embarrassment emotion and lack of privacy.


Veethi Shool: Veethi means a small street, road, or passage, Coming roads that thrust into a plot or a road that ends as a dead-end to a land, plot, or home on it causes Shoola or fast approaching arrow-like effects. The outcomes of Veethi Shoola are varied depending on the direction of addressing the road. Veethi Shoola, to some extent, gives promising results for the land, plot or building, if the road is approaching in the East or North of the northeast, West or northwest and/or south of southeast. If the road is approaching in the North of northwest, West or south of southwest and East of southeast, even if one of them is ending on your plot, it is inauspicious. If in all the four principal directions, there are dead ends of all the approach roads, it is very inauspicious. It leads to difficulties and hardships of all kinds.
The house owner will always feel insecure. It is not a desirable place to live. A at the plot end of a T or Y junction gives inauspicious results. Vehicles approaching from the opposite direction causes an imbalance of energies. A plot at the dead end of a road or a street should not be purchased. Otherwise, the owner will have to face tremendous losses, enmity, and clashes.and are thus not worth buying.
Corner Plots
Plots having opened on two sides are called Comer plots. All the corner plots do not give favorable results.
Results of corner plots
Northeast: Occupants are generally healthy, prosperous and contented beings

Southeast: Causes tensions and monetary problems
Northwest: Addictions, bad thoughts, changeable and inconstant thinking
Southwest: The owner or eldest child gets weakened somehow
East-Northeast: If the approaching road is from the East, and knocks the Northeast part of the land or plot, it is deemed a good site.
North-Northeast: If the approaching road is of the North and knocks the Northeast part of the land or plot, it is regarded as a good site.
West-Northwest: If the approaching road is from the West, and knocks the Northwest portion of the land, it is acknowledged as a not bad site.
South-Southeast: If the approaching road is from the South, and knocks the Southeast part of the plot, it is regarded as a not bad site.
East-Southeast: If the approaching road is from the East, and connects the Southeast part of the land, it is deemed a bad site.
North-Northwest: If the approaching road is from the North, and connects the Northwest part of the plot, it is acknowledged a bad site.
West-SouthWest: If the approaching road is from the West and connects the Southwest part of the land or plot, it is regarded as a very bad site.
South-Southwest: If the approaching road is from the South and connects the Southwest part of the land or plot, it is regarded as a very bad site.


If your land or plot is facing a Veethi Shoola, as it may fulfill you the embarrassment of emotion or lack of privacy, in order to overcome this, you can use the corner of the plot as a self-parking garage, or car portico, etc. Or you may evade off that part and use it for any other purpose like a garden or shed etc.


As per Vastu Shastra, the shape of the land or plot concerns the well being of the inmates. The particular shape of land or plots has a good effect, while others shape has a harmful outcome, and some Land or Plots can be used after making corrections to a suitable shape. As Vastu Shastra is a science, there is the reasoning behind every guideline. Ask Acharya explains these guidelines.


Square plot - A Square plot is regarded as a perfect site for building construction. As per Vastu Shastra, it assures success, growth, prosperity, peace, comfort, and happiness and provides better ventilation.
Rectangle plot - A rectangle plot is also rated good. If the length is North and the width sides are West, then it is more suitable. Such plots are considered to give good health, success, growth, prosperity, peace, comfort, and happiness.
Triangular plot -  The plot having three angles and three sides are not suitable. The Triangle shaped plot is not promising. People living in homes always afraid of enemies. Such plots are considered as sites where there will forever be worry of fire, faces legal problems, instability.
Circular/Elliptical/Oval Plots - Such shapes are not deemed suitable for the construction of dwellings. As per Vastu Shastra, such plots retard prosperity, bring bad luck, unhappiness, and varied problems to the owners.
Plots With four sides - Avoides Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon, shaped plots for construction of the apartment. Persons in such land or plots always live in fear.
Gou-Mukhi plot - A plot that is small in the front and wide at the back is considered the Gou Mukhi plot. Such a plot is deemed to be auspicious for residential purposes. Such plots bring success and prosperity to the owners.
Simha-Mukhi plot - A plot that is broad in the front and small at the back is recognized as Simha Mukhi plot. Such plots are supposed inauspicious for residential purposes but are proper for commercial purposes.
Plots with corners cut - The land or Plots with cut corners are deemed inauspicious.
Plots with projections or extensions - The land or plots with expansion in the North or East or North-East are considered good. Other expansions are considered unfavorable. The land or Plots with extensions in the Northwest, Southeast, or Southwest are not considered good, as they bring bad luck to the masters.


Vaastu Shastra lays down principles of Vastu Shastra to assist you in the selection of a plot with an excellent direction. As Vastu is a science, there is the reasoning behind every guideline.


As per Vastu Shastra: All directions has its benefits. Therefore, according to Vastu, all directions considered good. East facing plot is suitable for students, learners, scientists, scholars, philosophers, priests, professors, teachers, and leaders, etc. In the East, morning sun lights is considered the source of wisdom. North facing plot is suitable for those in power, law, policy, administration, and those who work for the government. South facing plot is ideal for people in business and for those who work in business organizations at the administration level. West facing plot is proper for those who give supporting services to the community. Vastu Shastra assigns each direction to a separate class of people. In early times, Indian civilization was divided into four categories of people based on their professions. Slowly these classes converted into castes, and each caste preferred living with their people. Therefore their houses were grouped.


In ancient Vastu Shastra, proper principles have been set to assist you in the selection of land, plot, or site with the soil type. Vastu emphasizes the proper kind of soil at the site for a dwelling. The first examination is to dig two holes of the dimensions 2 feet by 2 feet. All care must be taken that the soil of the two holes is not mixed. In one of these holes, the soil should be put back. Once the holes are filled, the holes should be a residue of soil leftover. If the dug-up soil correctly packs the hole or, even worse, falls short, then the site is not considered as being fruitful of success and prosperity. The other hole is to be filled to the water; in a perfect land or site, the water should get over an hour to be absorbed by the soil. If the water takes less time than that, the site is regarded as a potential drain on resounds.
Large cracks left behind in the hole after the water drains away is a warning of extensive construction expenses. A couple of small cracks is not a matter of concern. If there are more than seven cracks, watch out.
A more immediate inspection of soil class is to dig the hole, fill it with water, and walk away for a length of 90-100 steps at your normal pace.
When you turn, a good site will retain over half the water, an average site between One-half the water, and a poor site; less than one-fourth of water.


There are several kinds of soil based on the color- brick red, dark brown, white, red, yellow, black, etc. Usually, the land, which is suitable for cultivation like red, brick red, brown, yellow soil, etc. is further useful for the foundation of a structure. Whereas, clayey and black soil, which is not suitable for farming, is also not ideal for homes as it grasps water and can generate dampness to the foundation. It is suggested to avoid a plot or site with black and clayey soil.
A plot or land with a lot of worms should be avoided. As that the soil is very loose and will not hold the foundation well.

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