West face house plan with Vastu

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West face house plan with Vastu

Vastu Shastra never claims that the north is the ideal direction to build your house as well as that the west is not an auspicious direction. According to Vastu, each direction plays a pivotal role in planning a layout plan.

If your home is facing to the west, the house is a west-facing home Vastu. You are inside the middle of your home, looking out towards your main door or entrance. If you face west, you reside in a west-facing house.

Sunsets in the West. In the Vedic astrological system, the Sun represents light, and Saturn represents darkness. In Indian Mythology, Saturn is considered the son of Lord Sun. After the setting of the Sun, Saturn, i.e. son, rules the world at night.

Lord Saturn is the planetary Lord of this direction. Varuna is the directional Lord of the west direction, the Lord of the unknown world and deep seas.


Vastu Tips For West Facing House


1. Main Door for West-facing House:


If you are residing in a West-facing house, then it is important to ensure that your door's main entrance follows the following Vastu principle of the main door 

  1. According to auspicious padas There are 8 padas located on the western side. These padas from SW to NW are Pitar, Dauvarika, Sugreeva, Pushpadanta, Varuna, Asura, Shosha and Roga. The two pandas, Sugriva as well as Pushpdanta, are the most suitable for the primary entrance of a west-facing home. {located in W3 and/or W4 lacation (248.5 Dg to 270 dg)}. The other padas are unfortunate, according to the west-facing house
  2. Vastu ShastrTheories of Main Door Location according to Vishwakarmaprakash.
  3. Main Door Location | Theories of Exalted Zones
  4. Main Door Location | Theories of Middle of Building
  5. Main Door Location | Theories of Planetary position.
  6. Main Door Location | Sage Vashishtha's Theories


It is ideal for planning metalwork for the west-facing side of your door, e.g., a name-board made of metal, a bell made of metal or any other work of art. It is crucial to take into consideration when you build or purchase a west-facing house, Vastu. It is best to consult an experienced Vastu Consultant for West Faing House Vastu. He can help you achieve huge financial gains and profits in your company. 


2. Bedroom on the West Side Facing House:

It is recommended that your main bedroom is situated in your southwest zone. This will improve the communication between the couple and lessen tensions between couples. If your house is multi-story, it is essential to have the primary bedroom on the top floor. You must make sure that your room is in line in harmony with nature so that you can enjoy a restful and peaceful sleep. The southwest corner is thought to be the ideal Location for your main bedroom in a west-facing home.


Vastu Guidelines For Guest Rooms In West-Facing Residences

When you design a guest bedroom in your west-facing house, It is recommended to put it in the northwest direction. It is important to avoid placing guest rooms in the southwest zone since this is deemed to be unfavorable, according to Vastu.


Vastu Guidelines For Children's Rooms In West-Facing Residences


Similar to the importance of a master bedroom., the kids' room has a distinct importance in the household. The creation of a space that encourages the development and well-being of children is an important goal.

For west-facing homes, you should follow Vastu guidelines for the design of the children's room.

For rooms of children in west-facing homes, it is suggested to think about the North, East or/and northwest zones. The three directions are believed to provide a favorable flow of energy and contribute positively to the growth and overall experience of the children living in the area.

The North and East direction is typically connected with stability and growth that can impact the growth of children in a healthy way. The East direction, which is in Vastu, is a symbol of the ability to think and innovate.

If you place a child's bedroom located on the East zone of your home, you could be stimulating the imagination of your children and fostering their artistic talents. The northwest direction can be linked to opportunities and mentoring. This direction is helpful in developing skills such as flexibility and communication in children. If you design their rooms in this manner, you could be creating an environment that encourages their social and academic development.


Servant room or quarter  In West-Facing Residences

Servant room or quarter is the northwest zone.  The second best place for a Servant room or quarter is in the Southeast direction as it is being said that servants living there do not usurp the position of master and stay in control.

Avoid the Northeast and Southwest directions to build the Servant Room as this place is not suitable for the servant room; according to Vastu Shastra, servants staying here control their owner and also perform something like theft.


3. Kitchen in a West-Facing House:

The kitchen is an important space in our homes since it's essential for the health of our family. It also houses the fire element that assists in balancing the household. One must place it in the right place of the home, according to the west-facing House Vastu. Placing it in the wrong position of the kitchen can lead to health and monetary issues for the household. It is important to ensure that self in the kitchen counter that cooks faces toward the east direction since it is recommended to face towards the east while cooking.


4. Location of Puja Room in West-facing House:

The temple or Puja Room is a significant space where you can be able to worship or pray to God to channel the energies that surround you. The idols favored facing west, south or southwest so the person could be able to face towards east, Northeast or north direction while offering prayers. 

In the home temple, the face of God can be towards South, SW or West; that means, when we are worshiping God, our face should be towards East, NE or North Direction. We do not establish the idol in the home temple. When we worship, we take energy from the East, NE or North direction. But when we go to worship in the temple outside the house, then the face of the Lord is towards East, NE or North, and we get energy from the feet of the Lord.

As per the west-facing houses of Vastu, the Northeast is the most promising direction to have the Pooja room.


5. Bathroom in a West Facing House:

The toilet must be situated in the Northwest or SSW zone of the house. The toilet seat should be placed in such a way that your face towards the north or south direction. The commode must be built just a few feet higher than the ground. The toilet shouldn't be located directly beneath the level of a flight of stairs.


6. Staircase Placement In West-Facing Homes According To Vastu

In the context of Vastu considerations for houses facing west, the placement of staircases has a crucial position in the basic arrangement. Let's look at a few of the most recent guidelines on the placement of staircases as per Vastu guidelines:

Internal Staircases for West-facing Houses The staircase inside is not just a unique appearance to the house, but it also requires attention to detail when it comes to its Location. In Vastu, the best option is that the staircase is placed SW zone. This placement is believed to allow for a more harmonious flow of energy throughout the house. However, straying from these guidelines could cause negative effects, which could have adverse effects on the health of the people who live there. Therefore, adhering to the suggested guidelines is vital for the safety of family members living within.

External Staircases for Houses Facing West: The position of an external staircase has a significant impact on the lives of the residents in the context of Vastu. The placement of an exterior staircase right towards the front of the entryway could disrupt the balance of energy inside the home. It is recommended that the best Location for an external staircase in a west-facing home is to place it in the southwest corner. This blocks any negative energy and creates an energy flow that is more favorable throughout the home.


7. Vastu Guidelines For Windows In West-Facing House

Based on Vastu Shastra principles, the windows within a west-facing home are recommended to be placed in the east, NE and north directions. The rationale behind this rule is based on the understanding of energy movement and the impact of the solar direction. The directions of the north and east are believed to be auspicious and carry positive essences in Vastu ideology.

By placing windows in these particular directions, homeowners seek to ensure a well-balanced and balanced flow of energy through the home. The direction to the east, which is connected with the rising sun as well as the dawn of a new day, is believed to bring positive energy. Windows that are located here permit the entrance of sunlight in the morning, which not only enlivens the interior but also fills the room with rejuvenating energy.

The direction to the north is, however, linked to magnetic forces and is thought to be a source of constructive energy. The placement of windows in the north permits the passage of refreshing, cool breezes, bringing a sense of peace and comfort to the home.


8. Direction & Location of the Basement in west facing home:

the Basement is not recommended by Vastu Shastra. But if there is a need, Vastu suggests the basement building in either the East, North, or Northeast direction of a house. But if you have already built the Basement in the entire house, you should use only the Northern, Northeast, and East parts.


9. Brahm Sthana In West-Facing House Plan

Brahm Sthana is the eternal, holiest, and most powerful zone of the plot or house. Brahm Sthana-Centre of the plot is the nabhi (navel) portion of Vastu Purush. Brahm Sthana signifies the space over the ground level. Paramshayika pada Vaastu (81 pada Vastu) designates the middle nine pada as the Brahm Sthana. For example, as shown in the figure, divide the plot into nine similar parts from the East to West and the North to South.

Now, the plot has 81 equal parts. The nine squares at the center of the plot or land are the place of Brahm Sthana. You must retain the Brahamsthana (central space) and Paishacha Sthana open to the most considerable feasible extent. To put it a different way, do not place any loads or structural portions, i.e., pillars, columns, beams, walls etc.here.


8. Home Elevation in West facing House

Choose an area that has an elevation that is lower in the north as compared to the south. Another option is a plot with a gradual slope from north to south is believed to be favorable. It is believed that this arrangement will bring balance to energy flow and harmony in the home.

Water Source Location: Avoid placing your underground water tank, bore or pump in the southwest area of your home. It could disrupt the energy balance. The best place for water sources is the North, NE, or East zones of the home.


9. Garage in West facing House

  1. Northwest or Southeast is the best direction for the garage in your home.
  2. Do not park your vehicles on the west side in NW positioned garage to avoid a lot of traveling.
  3. If you parked your vehicle in the Southwest corner, it would require a lot of maintenance.
  4. Do not park your vehicle in the Northeast direction because parking in the Northeast would prevent the divine forces, though parking in the Northeast area is permissible if the garage in the Basement.


10. Vastu-Friendly Plants For West-Facing Houses

The incorporation of plants into the living area is not just aesthetic but can help to boost positive energy in accordance with Vastu principles. For houses facing west, certain plants are recommended for creating an energizing and balanced space. Here are a few Vastu-friendly plant alternatives:


Holy Basil (Tulsi): Tulsi is believed to be sacred and believed to provide positivity to households. The placement of the Tulsi plants in the northeastern or northern portion of the home is suggested by Vastu. The leaves' aromatic aroma has medicinal properties that can cleanse the air and increase the general energy of the area.


Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum) The money plants are famous for their purifying properties in the air and are believed to draw prosperity and wealth. They can be planted inside near windows or hanging baskets. In a home with a west-facing aspect, an arrangement of the money plant on the east-facing corner of your home is thought to be lucky since it represents money as a wealth-related element.


Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana): Lucky bamboo is frequently associated with luck and positive energies. Planting a lucky bamboo in the eastern portion of your home, particularly close to the entrance, can attract positive Chi (energy) to the house.


Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has been praised for its purifying properties in the air, and it is also believed to have healing powers. The placement of an aloe plant in the east, Northeast or north area of your home will help create a healthier and more positive environment.


Jasmine: The jasmine plant is known for its soothing scent. They are believed to bring peace and happiness. Planting jasmine in the Northeast, north or east edges of your home can boost positive energy.


Snake Plant (Sansevieria): Snake plants are fantastic air purifiers, and are believed to draw negative energy. Planting a snake near the entryway or in the southwest corner of your home can help purify the air and increase positive energy flow.


Roses: Roses aren't just beautiful; they are also a symbol of happiness and love. Planting roses in the southwest or southwest zones of the garden can boost the overall energy of the home.


When choosing and arranging plants in a house facing west, It is important to take into consideration things like the amount of natural light, the space available, as well as the specific Vastu principles that are associated with every direction. When you carefully incorporate these plants that are Vastu-friendly, your home will be a harmonious and positive atmosphere that encourages peace and harmony in your home.


11. Clean Environment for a West-Side Facing House:

Do not collect litter in the north-east and Brahamsthana of the west-facing home.

Doors and windows of the west-facing home: Make more windows and doors in the North, NE or East direction of your house. Create space for ample sunlight to come into the home. 


12. Ideal Colours:

White, Yellow, Beige, Silver, and such neutral shades are ideal for homes with a west-facing. They are supposed to be auspicious colors and are believed to boost positive energies and prosperity.


Advantages Of A West-Facing House if you planned it following Vastu Shastra Principles

There are a few advantages to the west-facing home are discussed below.

  • The direction of Saturn will not only make us feel hungry. But also helps in the early digestion of food, which is necessary for enjoying a sound sleep. Saturn, the Lord of Darkness and Varuna, the Lord of the unknown world, make the whole digestion process mysterious.
  • This sector is also perfect for an overhead water tank, as Varuna is the god of large sheets of water and rain. This is a heavy area having tamas and rajas energies combined.
    Remedies for rectifying vastu doshas in the West
  • Lord Varun rules west. People who live in houses facing the west tend to lead happy and healthy lives with fewer problems if it is planned with Vastu norms.
  • The benefit of the west-facing property is that you can enjoy the warmth and glare of the evening sun into the end of the night, which will boost your spirits. This is a great benefit for Natural light lovers.
  • Many people are of the opinion that a home located in the west is more wealthy, peaceful, prosperous, and safe if west west-facing house is constructed according to vastu principles.
  • West-facing houses are thought to be the ideal choice for those who are teachers and religious leaders.


Disadvantages Of A West-Facing House

  • Hot regions get lots of warmth due to the sunset sun.
  • Finding a door facing west is a challenge.
  • According to Vastu, the auspicious faces of the plot are East, NE and North Direction. Therefore, west facing could be a source of trouble if you do not follow vastu norms.


DO's And DON'TS For The West Facing House


1. You must make sure that the main entrance or door is situated on the west side of your House's Sugriva as well as Pushpdanta padas or according to Main Door Vastu.

2. If you live in a multi-floored home, The bedroom should be located in the southwest corner. However, you should make sure it's at the highest point.

3. You must ensure that you've positioned your kitchen in the southeastern part of your home. It is also possible to choose the direction northwest in the kitchen as the alternative if the southeast direction isn't an option in the kitchen based on West-facing houses Vastu.

5. If your property slopes, you must ensure that the sloping direction is west to east.

6. According to the west-facing home Vastu, The West and south sides have to be higher and thicker than the north and east sides.

7. It needs to include more windows in the east and north directions in order to ensure that the family's energy flow is balanced.

The DONT's:

1. It is important to avoid sleeping beneath any wall partition or beam in your house.

2. It is best not to sleep by leaning your legs toward your bedroom's entrance.

3. It is best to avoid buying the property with a slope in the direction of north to south.

4. It is not recommended to buy a property with an extension to the southern or southeastern regions.

5. Avoid buying an investment property that has obstructions (trees or electric poles) at the entryway.

6. Don't think about purchasing a home with walls that are thin in the west and south direction.

7. Avoid the southwest part of the house to use for the kitchen.


Decor Tips And Colour Schemes For West Facing House

The colour schemes and décor play an important role in enhancing the mood as well as the positive vibe of a house facing west in accordance with Vastu principles. If they are carefully chosen and implemented in your home, these can turn your rooms into a harmonious and welcoming space. Here's an in-depth look at how to decorate and choose colors for your west-facing home:

1. Make the most of the Power of Natural Light: West-facing homes are blessed with plenty of daylight in the afternoon and evening. Take advantage of this feature by letting natural light fill your home with light. Blinds or sheer curtains that are easily adjusted to regulate the light without completely blocking it.

2. Select lighter shades. Choose neutral, light shades for ceilings, walls and furniture that can create a more airy and airy feel to your home. Soft colors such as whites, pale yellows, lighter blues and creams are ideal options. They reflect light, making spaces appear larger.

3. Warm up with earth tones: To balance the brightness of the afternoon sun, include warm and earthy hues in your décor. Terracottas, warm greys, as well as muted shades of orange can add cozy and comfortable living areas.

4. Balance with cool colors Balance with Cooling Colours: The warm sunlight that is oriented towards the west can be balanced by cooler tones. Think about adding subtle blues, seafoam colors or lavender to create an ambiance that is calm and balanced.

5. Reflective Surfaces: Incorporate reflective surfaces like metallic accents, mirrors and glass components in your décor. These surfaces don't just bounce light around but also symbolize the double of positive energy that is circulating through your space.

6. Vastu-Approved Artwork: Select art that is in line with Vastu principles. The art of tranquil landscapes, nature or positive subjects can create a harmonious atmosphere in your home. Be sure to ensure that your artwork is lit to make it an eye-catching central feature.

8. Plants and greenery: The potted plants and the indoor garden not only enhance the visual appeal but also help create an overall healthier environment by cleaning the air.

9. Personal Touch: Add your style to your decor. Place your favorite personal items on display, such as family photos or other heirlooms that bring back positive emotions and memories. These personal touches will improve the atmosphere of your home.

10. Clutter Control: Ensure an orderly and clutter-free space. The accumulation of clutter can hinder an energy stream from every direction. Therefore, be sure that your home facing west is clean and organized.

11. Lighting Choices: Select light fixtures that are in harmony with your style and atmosphere. Pendant lights, chandeliers, and wall sconces are stylish and offer practical lighting.

12. Rugs and textiles: Include area rugs and fabrics that match your color scheme and theme of decor. Soft furnishings can bring warmth to your living spaces. They can also add texture and warmth to your living spaces.

In essence, decorating a home facing west following Vastu principles is about creating a harmonious balance of natural lighting, colors and design elements. Following these rules to maximize the flow of positive energy within your living areas, resulting in a relaxing and calming space for you and your family.

Integrating these Vastu suggestions in the design and layout of a home facing west could create a space that encourages positive energy, well-being, balance, and harmony.


Who Are The Ideal Candidates For West-Facing Houses?

Every house built according to Vastu guidelines is generally considered favorable. However, the individual's astrology and occupation will determine the degree of suitability for the west-facing property in accordance with Vastu plans. The direction to the west, as controlled by planet Saturn, is defined by the unending aspect of space. People who align with this direction show an affinity for charity and helping others in their endeavors.

Lawyers, doctors, nurses, chefs, financial advisors, detectives, artists, teachers and gardeners can find a west-facing house that is aligned with Vastu very beneficial. Houses with a west-facing view tend to place importance on satisfaction with work and satisfaction over titles and positions.

Furthermore, Vastu and other Astrology experts have suggested that certain properties may be more appropriate for those who are part of certain Rashis (zodiac significations). A house facing west is suitable for those who have Makar or Kumbha Rashi. In addition, those who have Mithuna, as well as Tula Rashi, might also find these houses to be suited to their astrological and energetic traits.


Purchasing A Plot Or An Apartment With A West Orientation

Vastu Shastra provides valuable information in the selection of plots and apartments. There are some specific rules to take into consideration, especially for properties that face to the west. These guidelines aim to improve the flow of energy and make a more positive living space. Let's examine these guidelines in more detail:

Beware of South and Southwest Extension: A crucial rule of thumb is to avoid buying a flat or plot that has an extension on the southern or southwest corners. These corners are significant in Vastu because of their effect on stability and energy balance overall. The presence of extensions in these places could disturb the harmonious energy patterns, possibly causing imbalances in an area of living.

A Balance of Plot Elevation: Another important element to be considered will be what is the elevation of the west-facing home. According to Vastu Shastra, selecting a house in which the elevation gradually decreases from south to north is believed to be more beneficial. The gradual slope is believed to aid in the balance of energy, resulting in a desirable living space.

If you adhere to the Vastu guidelines, those seeking the west-facing property or flats can increase the positive energy of their dwelling.

Remedies for West facing house

  1. If West is increased in any manner, cut it into a square or rectangular shape.
  2. Fill up the depression or holes in the West with clear sand and make it higher than all the other directions except Southwest and South. Keep heavier furniture in this direction.
  3. In the house or workplace, sit with your back to the West. To avoid mystery (Varuna), keep your face towards clarity (East, the rising Sun) to receive blessings of lord Sun. 
    By doing so, we receive the seriousness and steadfastness of Saturn.
  4. The Western side wall should be thicker and heavier, with fewer openings in Doors, Windows and ventilators. Build a heavy stone boundary wall, fence or trellis in this direction and cover it with Vines with thick leaves.
  5. The West zone of the whole house should bear a heavier load. This serves as a barrier to hold the spiritual forces and positive energy entering  through the East.
    The heavy and closed West restricts the outflow of these auspicious energies.
  6. Consider yourself lucky if there is any natural elevation, Mound, high-rise building or mountain in the west direction. Leave the elevation alone or use it as a rock garden or for keeping statues and stones. Tree trunks, evergreen shrubs and plants that bloom in the winter will increase the beauty of this rock garden.
    If an open area in the West direction is available equal to or more than the height of the building, tall trees or dense hedges can be planted. Locally available bushes and shrubs can also be taken.
  7. Indoor plants in this direction should be heavier, such as an indoor palm, rubber plant or umbrella tree planted in big heavy concrete pots. Plant dense ferns, potted trees and Vines, giving shade.
  8. Flowing water or a water fountain, if placed above the ground level, will help a lot in mitigating the ill effects of this direction.
  9. Chant Neel Shani Stotra (given in Padma Purana) or some other holy mantra in praise of Lord Saturn.
    Offer prayers to the directional Lord Varuna.
  10. Avoid the dusk time for performing all the auspicious activities. Enjoy the clarity of thought and vision by propitiating Lord Saturn.
  11. Install Shani Yantra in the West with the due procedure in the Shukla paksha at dusk on some Saturdays. Lead or copper plate inscribed with this Yantra should be fixed with led or copper nails on the right side of the door(while entering) or another suitable location after choosing an auspicious muhurta.



In the end, Vastu guidelines for west-facing homes provide a complete framework to create harmonious and balanced living spaces. From the arrangement of rooms to the direction of windows, every element is carefully thought-through to maximize the flow of energy and improve well-being in the home. If you adhere to these guidelines, the residents could feel more vital, creative and overall happiness.

Integrating Vastu principles in the layout and design of a west-facing home is a holistic way of living that considers both the supernatural and material aspects of our environment. It's a combination of ancient wisdom and modern suitability, with the goal of creating the perfect environment for positive energy to prosper and individuals to flourish.